
Feminist Utopias: Re-Visioning Our Futures


Edited by Margrit Eichler, June Larkin and Sheila Neysmith

260 Pages
January 01, 2002

Authors in this volume examine feminist utopias, highlighting what they see as visionary, exciting and useful, as well as the pitfalls. The volume includes articles by: Susan Stratton, Catriona Sandilands, Susan Mika and D.Alissa Trotz, Lois Wilson, Katherine Arnup, Yvonne Deutsch, Diana Majury, Patricia E. (Ellie) Perkins and Floya Anthias among many others.

“By operating in the here and now they offer alternative ways of thinking and a space for evoking social change. They take seriously the transformative function of utopian writing through a criticial engagement with current oppressive concepts and practices. The authors included here consider utopias through a critique of everyday practices in multiple areas including medicine, technology, law, policing practices, the ecnomy, the arts, national security and so on. The usefulness of looking at utopian elements in scholarship, like that of fiction, lies in its potential for transforming feminist theory and practice.”
– Margrit Eichler, June larkin, Sheila Neysmith, Institute of Women’s Studies and Gender Studies, University of Toronto



June Larkin is Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Toronto. She is coordinator of the Gendering Adolescent AIDS Prevention (GAAP) Project that brings together youth, community workers, policy makers, students and researchers in Canada and South Africa on projects that use participatory approaches to working with young people in relation to sexuality, HIV prevention and AIDS awareness.

Margrit Eichler teaches and does research in the areas of family policy, reproductive and genetic technologies, feminist methodology, and an integrative approach to social in/equity that understands the issue of sustainability to be part of social stratification. She tries to apply a feminist and sustainability perspective to all of her work.

Sheila Neysmith‘s scholarship focuses on feminist theory and praxis. She is interested in how   knowledge is constructed and used in professional practice and in the development of programs and policies. The substantive area of her research is the paid and unpaid caring labour done by women. Related to these questions is her ongoing engagement with policy issues that affect women as they age.


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