Publish With Us

Please note: Until further notice, Inanna has paused new manuscript submissions. Please check back for updates.
FOLD participant? Please contact Publisher, Brenda Cranney.

Inanna Publications and Education Inc. was founded in 1978 with the goal of making current writing and research on a wide variety of feminist topics accessible to the largest possible community of women. With the publication of our journal, Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme, we have created a forum in which women in Canada and around the world can exchange ideas, personal experiences, expertise and creativity, serving as a middle ground between the scholarly and the popular, between theory and activism. We welcome fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction and essays on ideas, society, politics, culture and the arts that speak to the diverse lives of women around the world. While we do not restrict our always-expanding sense of what makes a contribution “feminist” — we strive for a presentation of different perspectives — we will not publish writing that is sexist, racist, homophobic or in any other way discriminatory or harmful to women.

If you are interested in submitting, please familiarize yourself with the books we have published in the past to ensure that your manuscript is a good fit for Inanna.

Please be patient. We read and consider each submission we receive, but it does take several months — often up to six months. Please do not call or email to check on the status of your submission, we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Finally, if you have submitted your manuscript to other publishers, please let us know.

Book Proposals and Submissions:

We need the following information when considering a new book:

We only read completed manuscripts.

The manuscript should be paginated, no less than 10pt, and double spaced. Please send a hard copy of the manuscript to our office as well as an electronic version to <[email protected]>.

We prefer manuscripts not be spiral bound. Please secure pages with an elastic band instead.

Hard copy manuscripts will not be returned. 


Please send us a cover letter telling us in detail what your book is about and why you think your submission is a good fit for Inanna. Please include a biographical note that details in particular any publishing experience you may have.


1) Synopsis (provide brief description of the objectives and include the following):

What is the aim of the book? What material does it cover? Provide a brief (three to five pages) synopsis of the contents.

What is the target market and audience? For whom is the book intended? Why do they need to buy your book?

Is the book intended as a main text or supplementary reading in an university course? For what courses might the book be recommended?

Address the competition. List the titles of books in direct competition with your book (along with author, publisher and year of publication) and explain how your book compares or fills a vacant niche in the market.

2) Outline:

What is the tentative title of the book?

Please provide a table of contents and a chapter-by-chapter outline of the book.

What is the total length of the book?

List any special considerations for book size, format, design or layout, accompanying illustrations.

3) Author information:

Please provide all your contact information (complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number and email).

Provide a biographical note as well as a list of any other publications. Explain why you as an author are uniquely qualified to write this book. Include relevant experience and credentials as well as any supporting professional expertise and/or publishing credits.

4) Referees (applicable only to academic texts)

Names and addresses of two to three people who would be qualified to comment on the manuscript.

5) Supporting material:

Do you have any supporting material that would provide an indication of the book’s quality?

Please include four or five sample chapters with your proposal.

If we are interested in reading your book, we will ask you to send a hard copy of the complete manuscript to our office as well as an electronic version to <[email protected]>.