Sexual and Gender Violence in Education: Transnational, Global and Local Perspectives


Summer/Fall 2018
Volume: 32
Number: 1,2

Table of Contents

Guest Editors: Miglena S. Todorova, Njoki Nathani Wane, Jacqueline Benn-John, and Tanya (Toni) De Mello

I. Connecting Local to Global to Transnational

1) Miglena S. Todorova, “Local/Vertical, Global/Horizontal, and Power-Based Frames for Studying Sexual and Gendered Violence Prevention in Higher Education” (L)

2) Njoki Wane, Damaris Seleina Parsitau and, Doris Nyokangi, “Dangerous Spaces: Kenya’s Public Universities as a Locus for Sexual and Gender Based Violence. A Case Study of Egerton University, Njoro Campus” (R)

3) Hijin Park, “Violence Against International Students on North American University and College Campuses: An Intersectional, Structural and Global Analysis” (M)

4) Adwoa N. Onuora, “Writing against the Grain: M(othering) and Violence on Sacred Ground” (H)

II. Relating Modes and Subjects of Violence

5) Chelsea Barnett, “Imaging the Faulty Rape Victim: An Autoethnographic Viewing of Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol” (A)

6) Megan Scribe, “Pedagogy of Indifference: State Responses to Violence Against Indigenous Girls.”

7) Beverly-Jean Daniel, “Knowing the Self and the Reason for Being: Navigating Racism in the Academy” (O)

8) Lana Stermac, Jenna Cripps and Veronica Badali, “Women’s Experiences of Stalking on Campus: Behaviour Changes and Access to University Resource” (U)

9) Connie Guberman, Reshma Dhrodia and Lynda Kosowan, “Student Experiences of Violence by Family Members” (S)

10) (FR) Manon Bergeronet al, Violences sexuelles en milieu universitaire : synthèse des résultats de l’enquête ESSIMU au Québec

III. Emotions, Silences and Consciousness 

11) Jacqueline Benn-John and Tanya (Toni) De Mello, “Understanding The Interactive Effects Of Sexual Violence Prevention And Support Work On The Emotional Labour Of Racialized Workers in Post-Secondary Institutions” (B)

12) Isabelle Côté, “A Culture of Entitlement, Silence and Protection: The Case of the University of Ottawa’s Male Hockey Team” (E)

13) (FR) Laurence Ingenito et Geneviève Pagé, “Les féministes radicales répliquent à leur manière : la justice transformatrice comme substitut aux processus institutionnels”

14) Roslyn Deisinger, “The Development of a Feminist Consciousness as a Tool to Aid Campus Sexual Assault Survivors in Healing Post-Assault” (V)

About the Artwork

Cover Artwork: Angela Aujla, “Mother: Guardian of Virtue & Culture, Against All Odds,” 2015, Mixed Media.


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