
Feminist Dialogues: politiques publiques et l’action collective au Quebec et Ontario


edited by Susan Braedley, Jacinthe Michaud, and Leah F. Vosko

Spring/Summer 2012

Volume: 29

Number: 3

Table of Contents

Feminism, Theory, and the State / Théories féministes de l’État

Invisibilized, Individualized, and Culturalized: Paradoxical Invisibility and Hyper-Visibility of Gender in Policy Making and Policy Discourse in Neoliberal Canada
by Sedef Arat-Koç

Neo-conservatism, Neo-liberalism and Canadian Social Policy: Challenges for Feminism
by Ann Porter

Sécurisation des trajectoires professionnelles, théorie économique et engagement citoyeno
par Sylvie Morel

Feminist Research: Policies on Health and Social Policy / Recheres féministe sur la santé et les politiques

The Thin Blue Line: Long Term Care as an Indicator of Equity in Welfare States
by Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, and Tamara Daly

Politiques sociales, personnes âgées, et proches aidant-e-s au Québec: Sexisme et exclusion
par Nancy Guberman et Jean-Pierre Lavoie

The Masculinization Effect: Neoliberalism, the Medical Paradigm and Ontario’s Health Care Policy
by Susan Braedley

The Politics of Women’s Health Equity: Through the Looking Glass
by Tamara Daly

Citizenship, Women’s Groups and Social Movements / Citoyenneté, groupes de femmes et mouvements sociaux

Mouvement des femmes et recherche universitaire féministe : Un mariage de cœur et de raison
par Ruth Rose

Seen But Not Heard: The Construction of “Welfare Mothers” in Canada’s late 1960s/early 1970s “War On Poverty”
by Wendy McKeen

Access for All? Struggles Over Citizenship and Social Policy
by Krista Johnston

Refonder l’État et l’action publique : Les savoirs militants construits autour des mobilisations de la Marche mondiale des femmes de 2010
par Pascale Dufour

Feminisms at the Heart of Contemporary Anarchism in Quebec: Grassroots Practices of Intersectionality
by Emilie Breton, Sandra Jeppesen, Anna Kruzynski and Rachel Sarrasin

Au Temps Fou de La Vie en Rose: Deux visions féministes des rapports amoureux et du changement social
par Jacinthe Michaud

Conclusion: Synthesis and Future Debates/ Synthèse des débats à venir

Comprendre le présent et imaginer le futur : Un projet féministe en mouvement
par Lucie Lamarche


The World
by Farideh de Bosset

The White Ruffle Dress (Daughter)
by Ilona Martonfi

The falling of a performance
by Dawnell Harrison

The Woman by the River
by Ilona Martonfi

Light Delivery
by Margo Swiss

Beach Fire
by Joanna M. Weston

The Wedding (Esküvö)
by Ilona Martonfi

Women Tell
by Margo Swiss

Father’s Wake
by Ilona Martonfi

by Deni Ann Gereighty

Icy Wind
by Kay Eginton

The Bus on Jarry Street
by Ilona Martonfi

The Wet Coast
by Andrea Gereighty

Early Morning, and the Sun
by Kay R. Eginton

Invocation to Mary Wollstonecraft
by Katerina Fretwell

Maternal Eros
by Margo Swiss

Looking Forward
by Joanna M. Weston

Book Reviews

Demography and Democracy: Essays on Nationalism, Gender and Ideology
reviewed by Kathryn Travis

Babies Without Borders: Adoption and Migration Across the Americas
reviewed by Jennifer Musial

Giving Breastmilk: Body Ethics and Contemporary Breastfeeding Practice
reviewed by Carolina Crewe

The Gender of Reparations: Unsettling Hierarchies While Redressing Human Rights Violations
reviewed by Emily Rosser

White Femininity: Race, Gender & Power
reviewed by Susan White

The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation
reviewed by Jack Hixson-Vulpe

Awfully Devoted Women
reviewed by Danielle Cooper

Sex Slaves and Discourse Masters: The Construction of Trafficking
reviewed by Elya M. Durisin and Emily Van Der Meulen

Sex Work Matters: Exploring Money, Power and Intimacy in the Sex Industry
reviewed by Naomi de Szegheo-Lang

The Women’s Movement: Inside and Outside the State
reviewed by Lisa Mae Boucher

Law and the Borders of Belonging in the Long Nineteenth Century United States
reviewed by Katharine Wrobel

Bluestockings: Women of Reason from Enlightenment to Romanticism
reviewed by Gisela Argyle

Because I Am a Girl
reviewed by Ifrah Abdillahi

Gender, Health, and Popular Culture: Historical Perspectives
reviewed by Judith Mintz

Not Drowning but Waving: Women, Feminism, and the Liberal Arts
reviewed by Ela Przybylo

Battling Pornography: The American Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, 1976-1986
reviewed by Darja Davydova

The Other Dickens: A Life of Catherine Hogarth
reviewed by Deborah Heller


About the Artwork

Front Cover
Pegi Eyers, “Gather the Women,” 2012, 8 x 13″, embroidery on mixed media.

“The shared support and connection of other women allows us to heal from the patriarchy that has waged war on us for millennia, and joining together in the true spirit of sisterhood it is a revolutionary act. By forming diverse and powerful networks we enhance our own lives, our communities and the earth. The co-creation of women’s culture is a space where we can feel safe, celebrated and empowered, and when we gather together in circles of unity, miracles will happen.”

Back Cover
Pegi Eyers, “Earth Mother Motorcycle,”2010, 13 x 8”, mixed media assemblage.

“The Goddess Spirituality movement seeks to re-sanctify the natural places of the world and the attitudes and icons of our culture. Why not an Earth Mother on a motorcycle? Commemorative shrines and home altars venerating the Divine Feminine with ritual tools, candles, fruit, flowers and sacred objects are a tradition going back thousands of years. The Venus of Willendorf’s wild ride was painstakingly and reverently created with bits of cut paper, fabric and ephemera.”

As an Independent Curator, Pegi Eyers has developed exhibition projects with artist collectives and arts organizations, and has been employed as an Arts Publicist and Fundraiser. Her acrylic and oil painting, mixed-media assemblage, handbound artist’s books and intricate “cut paper” pieces have been exhibited in multiple galleries, solo and group shows. She lives in the beautiful Ontario countryside near the eclectic city of Peterborough. “My creative vision is connected to the sacred iconography of the Divine Feminine, and to express Her many forms in paint and mixed media. Currently I am writing a prose poetry series as inspired by the themes of women’s empowerment and matriarchal history.” Celebrating HER! Images that Empower Women and Honour the Divine Feminine <www.lyssanda-designs.com>.


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